When to visit the dentist? When to brush your child’s teeth?

How to keep your kids SMILING!

Good dental health starts with you—the parents! And it’s simple. Leading by example, practicing good oral hygiene yourself demonstrates to your kids that taking care of your teeth is important.

We as dental professionals understand that taking care of the smallest members of the family is nothing short of a full-time job. It comes with a laundry list of jobs, including laundry itself. And the cleaning unfortunately does not stop there. Keeping your child’s teeth clean is just as important and can feel just as time consuming.

If you are not certain about the best ways to take of your children’s teeth, you are not alone! Thankfully, there are some easy ways to care for your child’s teeth that will get them started on the right path to long-term oral health. For babies with their first teeth, using wet gauze is a great way to introduce them to an oral hygiene regimen.

But there are so many other questions that arise. When do I first visit the dentist? When do I start brushing their teeth with toothpaste? Do I use a fluoridated toothpaste? And so on. The first step is making an appointment to see your local pediatric dentist.

According to the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a child should visit the dentist six months after they get their first tooth, or no later than their first birthday. Although that may sound early, tooth decay can happen with your baby’s first tooth. Taking your child to the dentist by their first birthday is the best way to catch any problems early, introduce them to a dental office and answer your questions about their oral health and development.

As leading pediatric orthodontists in Bucks County, we believe that daily attention to teeth must start as soon as teeth erupt and continue into adulthood. This will help avoid cavities and keep your kids smiling today, tomorrow, and into the future.

Feel free to join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram for more information about healthy oral habits, tips, and tricks for daily oral care. Providing the right care for your child’s smile doesn’t have to be hard if you have access to the right support!