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Early Treatment Examples

Example 1 This early treatment included an expander to create space for permanent teeth

A before and after picture of a child 's teeth
A before and after picture of a person 's teeth

Example 2 Early treatment included an expander to create space for permanent teeth

A before and after picture of a child 's teeth
A before and after picture of a person 's teeth

Example 3 Early treatment included an expander to correct a posterior crossbite (top teeth biting inside the bottom teeth) causing a midline shift (check the arrows). This causes a shift of the lower jaw and chin with the potential for permanent asymmetric growth if not corrected.

A before and after picture of a child 's teeth
A before and after picture of a person 's teeth.

Comprehensive Treatment Examples

Example 1 This comprehensive treatment including an expander and braces to create space for permanent teeth, correct anterior crossbite, and alignment

A before and after picture of a person 's teeth
A before and after picture of a person 's teeth

Example 2 Our comprehensive treatment using braces to correct the severe overbite (vertical overlap of the front teeth) will allow the teeth to function properly and improve their health for many years to come!

A before and after picture of a person 's teeth
A before and after picture of a person 's teeth.
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